Finally, kintone is available in Singapore.
Build Your Own
Business Apps
in 3 Minutes
Collaborate with team members and partners
via apps and workspaces.
Why kintone ?
Collaborate Seamlessly on Spreadsheets and More
Emailing spreadsheets back and forth among team members is not only inefficient – it can result in costly errors. With kintone’s cloud based workspace, employees can collaborate on spreadsheets from one central point. And there’s more. With kintone, you can also track project task status, view purchase orders and manage time sheets! Setup is easy and takes less than 5 minutes.
Anyone Can Easily Develop Systems to Improve Work Efficiency
Developing and modifying a main system is time consuming and normally costs a lot. Even with a system, still there will be tasks that cannot be done in the system and usually are managed by Excel or paper documents. There is always an idea gap on an "ideal system" between the users on-site and the developer, and most of the time it is not easy to solve these problems with 1 main system. A flexible system that can be changed, adapted, and applied to any tasks is necessary in order to solve inefficiency work. With Kintone, anyone can easily develop/modify the system to adapt to his or her needs.
Internal Communication Beyond Time and Distance
There are times when you cannot use your laptop, cannot find wi-fi connection, or cannot continue your tasks because you cannot get approval from your supervisor who is out of the office or on business trips. In most companies, there are tasks that can only be done in the office. With Kintone, you can access and communicate with your team anytime, anywhere, with a laptop, mobile device or tablet device. There will be no more pending quotation approvals, meeting minutes, leave requests, business trip reports, expense settlements, daily reports, etc. wherever you are.
Adapt to Business Changes On the Fly
Leverage business division people's intelligence to reach new levels of productivity.
Portal Page
At the first glance of the application, you can confirm and utilize the shared space, announcement, and bulletin board. It is also possible to change the design on your own.
Social Communication
By sharing recorded daily reports, activity reports, etc. it is possible to monitor information through kintone anytime, anywhere, as long as there is internet connection.
Multilingual Interface
In addition to English and Japanese, of course it is also possible to use the application in Bahasa or any other language by editing the imported template.
Workspaces for Internal and External Collaboration
In this featured "Space", it is possible to exchange data, bulletin board, and application by inviting other companies that is already using kintone.
Notifications Reminders
It is possible to get notification through e-mail and mobile app by turning on notification for schedule, reminders, and when there's a change in status.
SSL Security
All communications are encrypted with SSL.
kintone App Marketplace
Many templates are provided for your convenience. Additionally, it is easy to customize the templates.
Enterprise Administration
Anyone can easily make convenient application for managing internal operations such as HR management, sales management, daily report, expenses, vacation request, inventory management, cloud management, etc.
Basic Authentication
You can set application/request, approval/authorization, remand, and pause functions in each application easily. Since it is possible to operate on smartphones, authorization process will not be delayed even during business trip or when you're out of the office.
App Form Builder Real-time Charts
It is easy to create graphs and charts from records. It is possible to switch between bar charts, pie charts, and line graphs with one click.
It is possible to manage massive data in the application as database. It is also possible to easily analyze accumulated data using graphs and charts.
IP Address Restrictions
By setting the authorization, it is possible to share necessary information to selected personnel. Moreover, by managing data on kintone, it is possible to prevent human error that prone to happen in excel, etc.
Business Process Management
By setting the flow, multiple personnel can input and manage the record. Since it is possible to operate on smartphones, it is possible for those who are abroad, on a business trip, or out of the office to work smoothly.
Open JavaScript/REST API
It is also made possible to customize advance features by customizing with Java Script.
Mobile Browser Access
By linking kintone mobile application (Android/iPhone), it is possible to upload pictures, application/request, approval/authorizaion, comment, edit records, etc. from your smartphone.